Our Managing Director Nigel Burton had a particularly nasty accident at home tripping over a step in the dark which left him with a broken hip and a subsequent 5 night stay in hospital for a hip replacement. This certainly highlights the importance of Health and Safety everywhere!

At Inter Recruitment we take Health and Safety in the workplace very seriously and always carry out risk assessments prior to any of our staff commencing any contract to ensure that they are working in a safe environment. We do know that 99.9% of employers do operate a very strict health and safety policy within their businesses however we do hear of horror stories where corners are cut and employees safety is put seriously at risk, these are companies that we will not deal with as the safety of our employees of paramount importance and we will never put anyone at risk.

So if you are employed by Inter Recruitment you are guaranteed to be working within a 100% fully compliant safe working environment where your safety is never at risk.

On another note Nigel is recovering well from his operation and has conducted a Risk Assessment at home and now must wear a hi vis jacket, safety boots and a hard hat at all times!